My friends, can you believe we're already halfway through the year? June and July are…

30 Day Challenge Series, Part 2
Hey Friends, thank you for hanging in with me on this series for creating new habits in a 30 Day Challenge! If you missed part 1, please go visit that blog post now and download the 30 Day Challenge, Part 1 Worksheet. This step is critical in getting us to the NEXT stage in creating some new and powerful habits in our 30 Day Challenge.
In Part 1 – we took a very comprehensive, high-level view of each area of our lives. We took a look back at what our pre-challenge condition was in each area and then decided if this was an area we wanted to focus on for the next 30 days. A worksheet was available for you to use as you took this 20,000 foot view.
Now that we’ve identified a few areas of our lives we’d like to focus on, its time to look at the next steps and some examples of how to deep-dive into your areas of focus.
Your Areas of Focus have likely fallen into one of the following categories. Below are some questions you can ask yourself about the particular area of focus you have decided to take on the 30 Day Challenge.
Work-related Activities
- What activities can you do during your most optimal work-from-home hours?
- What tasks can be left for times of great distraction at home?
- How will you pivot your current role and tasks during times of uncertainty?
- If you’re currently without work, fill your day with the following activities:
- personal branding – you can update your LinkedIn profile and start to learn more about your brand and how you want to present yourself to the industry
- updated resume – if required
- job search – treat your job search like a full-time position in and of itself.
Professional Development goals
- Finish a project – now may be the time to put into that “pet project” sitting on the corner of your desk. I know for myself, I’ve been working on some projects for YOU, my fellow #hotelprofs and #eventprofs, and I just haven’t had time to do it! Watch for great things to come out of COVID19 for my industry friends!
- Start a project! – Perhaps you don’t currently have a project in mind, but you have some ideas swirling. Use this mindmap template to start putting pen to paper and crafting your next big project.
- Do some online training – MPI Academy and PCMA has some great offerings, I did a post about industry pd that you can check out here.
- Or dabble in some online courses that are NOT industry related!
Mental activity ideas and exercises
- Meditation – have you always wanted to build time in your day to meditate? Now is the time! Start with Headspace; its free!
- Read a non-fiction book – it doesn’t have to be industry-related, but find some time to read and feed your mind with new ideas and ideologies. I’ve done a few book list posts over the years, the most recent being on my Productivity Tips During COVID19
- Current social media and TV habits – often too much of these habits can lead to feelings of “lost time and waste”. By being intentional with our time spent in these areas, such as growing your brand on LinkedIn versus simply scrolling the feed, you will feel more satisfied and accomplished with your time spent in these areas. Or perhaps its time to take some of the time spent on these activities, and put it to better use in other areas
- Hobbies – Do you currently spend enough time on your hobbies? That creative “white space” can give you the rest, and conversely the energy, you need to complete other demanding tasks in your day. Carve out time in your calendar to feed your soul with your hobbies and interests.
Morning Routine/Evening Routine
Do you have a habitual morning and/or evening routine? I did a post about morning routines, here are some highlights of what can make a successful morning routine and set you up for a successful day:
- Express gratitude – yes, these are challenging times, but a lot of good is coming from this time, like a cleaner environment, time with family, and this exercise of rediscovering your best self. Give thanks for the blessings that you do have, it will change the outlook of your day!
- Hydrate – I hydrate with warm lemon water each and every morning (at least 20 ounces worth…). While this practice may not make you the next Oprah Winfrey, I do credit my lemon water routine for improving my skin, improving my immunity and health, and giving my body a jump start on hydration for the day
- Set daily goals – this one is IMPERATIVE during this time. Regardless of your situation (work, family, stay-at-home, etc), setting small incremental goals each day will you moving forward and moving the needle on your projects.
- Floss your teeth – yep, something as simple as flossing can and should be added to our morning or evening routine, has this habit made it into YOUR routine?
I’m also a student of Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning, he also has a 30 day Life Transformation Challenge that you can start using to Fast Track your new habitual morning routine.
Physical Activities, Self Care
- Take a break from alcohol – this could be the PERFECT time to give up alcohol for 30 days – no industry events to go to!
- Start a daily yoga or stretching routine. Being cooped up indoors does not mean you can’t exercise. Find a spot in your home, put on your lulu’s and do some stretching.
- Start running/walking every day – if your community allows you to still get outside, go for a brisk walk/run each day to get the blood pumping. This will also help fuel your creativity when you come back indoors. Please practice physical distancing while outside; safety and health come first.
- Join an online gym class – there are so many gyms putting workouts online, as well as on YouTube; tap into those classes and get your sweat on in the comfort of your own home!
- Refrain from unusual snacking! You see so many memes and posts about people eating out their pantry in day #2 of working from home. Set intentions to avoid this habit and replace that craving with something else. Drink tea, go for a walk, cut up an apple…. Even create a list of “alternate choices” and post it on your pantry door!
Spiritual Goals
- Meditation – this is also great for centering around your values and spirituality
- Faith-based organization – if you found yourself too busy to participate in your church community, many churches are now delivering their Sunday services virtually. It could be a great way to step outside of yourself and into the community and world at large
- Read – be it the Christian Bible, the Quran, Tripitaka, or others. You may find a passage that speaks to your current situation and find wisdom in the ancient texts.
Do you have some ideas of what you’d like to tackle on your 30 Day Challenge? If so, then join us for a productive and supportive journey! Join me and other meeting industry professionals as we challenge ourselves and one another, to create new and satisfying habits that will last long after the new normal returns to our daily lives.
Join us for the 30-Day Challenge here. Time is limited for enrollment; we want to ensure the group is together for the full 30 days!
RELATED – 30 Day Challenge, Part 1 – A Look Back at Our Current Life Situation
RELATED – Moving Forward in Times of Uncertainty