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Meetings Industry Suppliers That Are Rockin’ COVID19

When I’m not helping my meeting planner clients out with finding a hotel or destination for their next conference or meeting, I help meetings industry suppliers and partners to understand planners better, and to connect with them on a more relational level.  And when COVID19 hit, it changed how we relate to our meeting planner clients in every way!  Chaos ensued!  Thousands of lost jobs and furloughed employees, uncertainty about future events, and sales messages that needed to change (and fast!)

But not all meetings industry suppliers and partners got caught up in the chaos, no, there are many that are rising above the adversity to create something new and innovative for their clients.  The five meeting partners that I’m featuring today are taking this time to re-invent what it means to be a partner in our industry, and I’m so grateful for their willingness to share their “secret sauce” with us today.

So who are these amazing meetings industry suppliers?   Check out the video above, and read a bit more about their initiatives here:

  1. Brian Crumby, Associate Director of Sales – Key Accounts and Strategic Partnerships, Caesars Entertainment – Brian has always been an innovator and chief connector with his clients, and this past month’s Trivia Challenge was a great testament to his creativity.  A casual Zoom gathering of his clients, all competing for prizes via crazy fun trivia.  It was an absolute blast, and we were able to reconnect with Brian AND members of his team.  These types of activities are great for extroverts and introverts alike, thanks Brian!
  2. Sherry Honey, Hotel Manager, River Cree Resort and Casino (near Edmonton AB) – Sherry is so kind and caring, and her kindness has extended to her clients through this time.  Sherry has been reaching out to some of her planner clients and providing “take out” for the planner and their family.  At a time when all we seem to be doing is cooking, this is a welcome surprise and a great way to help planners support their local communities.    Such a nice treat!
  3. Stephen Melville, Sales Manager, Sun Peaks Grand Hotel and Conference Centre (near Kamloops BC) Stephen is a perpetual “go getter”.  Stephen is actually currently furloughed from his position at Sun Peaks, but that did not slow Stephen down for a second!  From #GMIDgoesvirtual, to the Fraser Valley Meeting Planning Association, to MPI BC; Stephen is contributing value every single day.
  4. Patrick Guay and the team at Quebec City Business Destinationthe team in Quebec City was in the midst of launching a new marketing campaign when the pandemic.  This didn’t slow down the already-brilliant campaign, but when sprinkled with empathy and creativity, it was a home-run with their clients! #maplesyrup

Friends, may these stories and others inspire you to connect and build relationships with your clients and prospects during this time.  Hugs to all!

RELATED  – #Eventprofs that are Rockin’ COVID19

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