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saying thank you for booking business

6 Creative Ways to Say Thank You To Meeting Planning Clients For Booking Business With You.

When you’ve finished working with a meeting planner on a contract for their meeting or conference, saying thank you for booking the business is an easy way of recognizing the business and expressing gratitude for helping you reach your business goals.  There are a number of different ways you can say thank you for booking business to your meeting planner clients that can go beyond the simple email “thanks”.  Your expressions of gratitude don’t need to be fancy schmancy either; a majority of the ideas below are economical!

What sets these ideas apart from the email thank  you and generic card is the way they are personalized.

Ways to express gratitude to your meeting planner clients:

  1. Handwritten thank you card – ahhh, the art of the handwritten card – do you still practice it?  If you do, you’re in the minority, and it is still greatly appreciated by clients.  Opening a sealed envelope with a note inside carries more sentiment than opening an email.
  2. Creative thank you gifts – I wrote a blog post about this, and how you can turn your expressions of gratitude into things the client won’t soon forget.   You can really go overboard here, but some creative and cost-effective gifts can look as follows:
    1. small basket/box of  their favourite chocolate bar (mini size)
    2. tea or coffee basket/box with mug
    3. personalized wine charms (easy to pack and ship too!)
    4. personalized key chains (also easy to pack and ship)
    5. mason jars stuffed with all kinds of goodies – its all the rage 🙂
  3. A welcome amenity at their program – These are always, always welcome for meeting planners.  After a LONG day of travel, and a full week of work ahead, a welcome amenity is a welcome sight.  Make sure your gift aligns with their preferences, and their dietary needs.  Some meeting planners have so many reception-style events planned, a bottle of wine in an amenity may go unopened.  Same with things that don’t meet their dietary requirements or allergies.
  4. The “One Night Stay” gift – providing the client with an opportunity to experience your property is a great way to say thanks, provided the client can fit it in.  Sometimes the “one night stay” isn’t possible. Your clients may not be local, and coming to your destination for a simple one night stay may not be feasible.  I’m not saying you should be providing a whole bunch of stuff to make this possible, but rather try to position your “one night stay” with other opportunities.  Remember to plan these things well in advance to accommodate travel plans
    1. invite them pre/post a meeting planning conference in your destination
    2. see if their business travel brings them to your destination and provide transportation to their office location in the morning
  5. Acknowledgement when they are onsite for their program – A quick visit down to see your meeting planner at their registration desk, or an electronic welcome message on the hotel screens will make the planner feel welcome and wanted.
  6. Letter to their boss – Sending a letter of commendation to your client’s boss is always appreciated (and seldom done!).   It can go a long way in creating goodwill between you and your client’s organization.

Need more simple client thank you gift ideas?  Check out my Pinterest Board with some great ideas!!  There are lots of great and easy ways for you to say thank you for booking business with you and your organization!

RELATED  – Gifts for meeting planners that WOW

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