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Level Up Your Brand with Killer Content on LinkedIn

Level Up Your Brand with Killer Content on LinkedIn

In the bustling world of B2B, standing out isn’t just nice – it’s downright necessary. Yet, many of us are still in the dark about how to truly shine. Enter: personal branding. And no, it’s not some fancy buzzword that only applies to the likes of Instagram influencers. It’s about authentically and audaciously carving your space, especially on platforms like LinkedIn.

Before we dive in, let’s get real for a second. If you’re reading this and thinking, “Personal branding? Sounds like a bunch of fluff,” or “LinkedIn’s only for job hunting, right?”, bear with me. These myths are *so* last season. 😉  While LinkedIn started out as a resume-posting platform, its ability to show your brilliance through your content and thought leadership has set the platform apart as being one that can help cement your brand and amplify your impact on your community.

At its core, personal branding is fueled by content. Whether it’s a social media post, an email or newsletter, a blog post, a reel, a podcast, a video show, or a slider with images; our content assets can bolster our personal brands much quicker than without. The secret is it’s about posting with purpose, style, and a dash of flair.

How can we create content that thrives?

  1. Know Your People: Spend some time getting to know your audience. Learn and understand their likes, needs, and passions – both career and personal. Tailor your content to what your audience wants, not just what you think they need.
  2. Pick Your Stage: LinkedIn? Sure thing. A blog? Why not? Choose where you shine the brightest. Not everyone’s an Insta-goddess, and that’s okay.

Leanne’s Tip! Choose one platform at a time! Content creation can be time-consuming – build a consistent habit with one platform before you add additional platforms to your mix!

  1. Get Those Creative Juices Flowing: Content creation isn’t just for the “creatives.” You’ve got a voice; use it. Share your insights, stories, and even those funny work mishaps. It’s real, and it’s relatable.
  2. Consistency is Queen (or King): Show up, and do it regularly. Building a brand isn’t a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing, fabulous journey. (this is why it’s to start small and keep it simple…. Work your way up to adding additional platforms and bells and whistles)
  3. Work Smarter, Not Harder: Tools like Canva can make your posts pop, and Hootsuite can ensure you’re not always rushing last minute. Utilize them!
  4. Lean on a Little AI Magic: Struggling with content ideas? It’s okay; even superheroes need a sidekick. Use tools like ChatGPT for brainstorming or writing prompts. (Trust me; it’s game-changing!)

Your brand is your story – one filled with ups, downs, twists, turns, and epic dance breaks. Share it, embrace it, and watch as the world (and those B2B opportunities) come knocking at your digital door.  Amplifying your brand on LinkedIn through killer content isn’t a choice; it’s the next step. So, grab that proverbial mic and let your brand do the talking. And hey, if you ever feel stuck, you know where to find me! 😉 Cheers to being unapologetically you.

(and if a little inspo is all you need to get started, my Content Creation Workshop may be just the micro-training you need to create a consistent content habit!)


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