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Pitfalls of working from home

Up to this point, I’ve really made working from home sound kind of idyllic and perfect. It can be, and for my lifestyle it’s a perfect fit. It can, however, come with its share of pitfalls and disadvantages. Whether you’ve…

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How To Host a Productive Team Meeting

They say “time is money”; the irony is sometimes our time can be wasted at work, especially with internal team meetings.  Meetings are meant to be productive, focused get-togethers that push agenda items forward and with great purpose.  Sadly, sometimes…

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Reasons to Work From Home

Are you struggling to complete your to-do list every single day given your work situation? Do you long to spend more time at home with your pets or family? Are your cubicle office’s beige walls draining you of creativity? Do…

scrabble letters - phrases to remove from your vocabulary

Phrases to remove from your vocabulary

Often when posed a question, we tend to lean on phrases that are socially acceptable and expected, but in an effort to be authentic, especially with friends and family, we should be challenging ourselves to dig a little deeper. Here…