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What is your branding strength? >>>
Why Your Personal Brand Isn't Set in Stone: The Freedom to Evolve as an Introvert in Business

Changing Up Your Personal Brand

Hey there, all you wonderful introverts, cautious optimists, and hesitant brand-builders! Do you ever find yourself sitting with a warm cup of tea, scrolling through LinkedIn, and thinking, "Yikes! What if I start building a personal brand and then decide…

5 Ways to Use LinkedIn As a Sales Tool

5 Ways to Use LinkedIn As a Sales Tool

There’s no escaping it, social media has become an integral part of our lives, and it's not just for sharing funny cat videos or stalking our exes. No, my friend, it has evolved into something much more powerful—a social selling…

7 Reasons to Batch Your LinkedIn Content

7 Reasons to Batch Your LinkedIn Content

It was the one content principle that changed everything for me. Before this came into my life, I was a bundle of nerves, and my creativity suffered greatly. I suffered from angst and anxiety every morning, stressed about what to…

creating a personal brand on a budget

Create a Personal Brand on a Budget

Whether an entrepreneur or an intrepreneur, personal branding comes at a cost.  It takes time to build a brand, as well as talent and tools to create the resources required to amplify your brand.  In fact, one of the biggest…