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last week of work before christmas break

Creative ways to survive the week before Christmas break!

Are you the last man standing during the week before Christmas break and between Christmas and New Years?  Sales have perhaps slowed, your clients are all away on holidays, but you’re stuck holding down the fort in case any emergency emails or phone calls come in.

If you’ve exhausted the opportunities to close business , there’s still a number of ways you can make this quiet time of year a hit!

  1. Get ready for goal setting in New Years – there are lots of ways you can prepare for New Year goal setting:
    • prep materials for your vision board, bullet journal or goal setting planner – my pinterest goal setting page has some great ideas!
    • print out this past year’s business plan, your past year’s results, and any supporting documents that show what happened this past year, and what could happen in the year ahead.
  2. plan for a day long goal-setting retreat – set a date in January when you can get away from all the distractions of the world and sit down with your materials (see tip #1) and tackle your goal-setting for the new year.
    • jump in the car or airplane – I like to schedule my retreat away from my hometown (so I don’t run into anyone I know…).  My favourite haunts include hotels that have a great club lounge with an all-day tea service
    • coffee shop retreat – if you can’t leave too far from home for 24 hours, settle for 2-3 hours at your favourite neighbourhood coffee haunt.  Pack headphones to cut out distractions (and hopefully ward off your friends that come through the door)
  3. Build relationships – who else is stuck in the office with you?  They’re likely looking for distractions as well, so take this time to get to know them better!
  4. Volunteer with your colleagues – can you and the remaining office staff afford a few hours away from the office?  See if you can volunteer somewhere during the Christmas season
  5. Prep client gifts.…. for spring/summer! – whether you had time to deliver Christmas gifts for clients, or your blitz is coming up in Q2 or Q3, take this time to get them ready!  My client gift pinterest board may spark some inspiration
  6. Clean your desk – clean desk creates space for creativity, use this time to get ready for a rockin’ start to your New Year’s goals!
  7. Revise your book list – review the titles you read this year, and make your list for next year.  May I recommend tackling Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss, one chapter a week for the next year?  Join my on my Tools of Titans journey!  If you’ve already read it, comment below on the “chapters” you’d like me to feature my weekly newsletter.

Rest assured, you won’t be alone in the office for long, but if you spend your time wisely these next few weeks, you may be ahead of the game once business is back in in the New Year.  Happy Holidays and all the best for a fantastic New Year!


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